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N.C. District 4 - Judge Sarah C. Seaton - Issues/Complaints

Complaints related to Sarah C. Seaton - District Court Judge of N.C. District 4 [Duplin, Jones, Onslow and Sampson counties]

(910) 478-3612

This forum is designed to encourage judicial reform. Justice is a right of all citizens not just a privilege of the wealthy and powerful.

Please feel free to post any comments that reveal defects in judgment or abuse of power related to the commission listed above. We also encourage posting issues related to unjust laws (keep in mind that there is a difference between a bad law and a bad judge).

If you are bursting with emotion and feel a need to rant/rave, please feel free (add "RANT" as the first line of your post).

Be aware that most judges have a difficult job and they do well in most instances -- if a mistake was made, the best method of preventing future mistakes of a similar nature is adopting a calm, long-term resolution to correct the error and applying pressure on the judicial system through legitimate sources.

Also, be aware that any posts that are libelous or harassing are prohibited on this site - keep in mind during any rants that describing your feelings about injustices is fine, however, allegations of wrongdoing should be supported by facts.

-Obtain advise from an attorney regarding your legal options.
-Wait a few days before making public allegations.
-Avoid letting your passion make you sound crazed.
-Carefully list all the injustices that you feel occurred.
-Separate the facts from the feelings.
-Research and gather support for your facts and feelings.
-Determine which points are most important to you.
-Think about which points could be most effective at creating reform (and realize that these are not necessarily the same points that are most important to you).
-Pursue your legal options to the fullest extent reasonable.
-Complain to the Judicial Standards Commission (if appropriate) -- it appears unlikely that the Commission will take any action (this forum was created after two complaints were dismissed without further investigation that alleged a total of approximately 64 violations of the North Carolina Code of Judicial Conduct by a Chief District Court Judge in NC).
-The judiciary hates public attention drawn to its flaws.
-Make your feelings or arguments known to the local media - call an appropriate news radio or talk television program with your issues - write a letter to the editor to a local newspaper.
-Sticking to your talking points and using supported arguments will greatly increase the chances of affecting judicial behavior.
-Feel free to ask for help writing a complaint or letter to the editor.
-Don't give up until you feel satisfied that you have made a difference.

-NC Radio (by city)

-Links to N.C. Laws, Rules and other resources
-Legal Aid of N.C. (possibly free legal aid for individuals who can't afford an attorney)
-Judicial Standards Commission (complaints against NC judges)
-North Carolina Code of Judicial Conduct (right-click to save pdf)

Pro Se RESOURCES (for representing yourself):
-North Carolina General Statutes
-NC Civil Procedure
-NC Rules of Civil Procedure
-Local Court Rules (select your county)
-Appellate Rules (right-click to save pdf)

*please post the county/address/number of the courthouse/courtroom where the case was heard.
**posts commending the legal system and judicial action are also welcome.

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Posted by: Chris Spell on 01-27-2014

She is very Bias. She hates single mothers. I heard her tell s single mom in court that she had the power to do whatever she wanted to do. She also told this sigle mom that she was a bad person for taking out a warrent ph her childs father for assault. She stated that even though he beat her mom, and was fould guilty of assaaulting her that has nothing to do with the custudy of the child. How is that? If a man beats the child mom then he may as well beat the child. smh Judhe Seaton needs to be disbbared!!!!!!!!!!! There is several complaints in the system on Jusge Sarah C. Seaton

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Posted by: Destiny Crews on 01-27-2014

Hi, I am an Outraged and Confused parent. On December 13, 2013, I was set to go to a visitation hearing (Blue vs. Crews), In the Sampson County Annex. The object of this hearing was to set up some type of visitation for ANTHONY BLUE JR, the father of my sick Daughter Sa”Riya Crews. I have been the Primary care giver of Sa’Riya all of her life. She has always lived with me. Sa’Riya is a child who suffers from Hirchsprungs Disease, a disease of the lower Intestines. Sa’Riya has had 2 Surgeries and is currently still under the doctors care for her condition. I am a stable parent, I have no criminal record, I work at Wal-Mart of Wallace NC, I Have a 2 bedroom apartment for me and my daughter where she has her own room, I have a valid NC Drivers License and a reliable vehicle. Judge Sarah C. Seaton took my daughter immediately at the hearing and gave Full Custody to her father ANTHONY BLUE JR who has a criminal Record, who was found guilty on Assault on a Female (me) on December 10, 2013, who lives with his Parents, who has no job or means to take care of Sa’Riya, who has no Vehicle and who’s license are Revoked. In Judges Seaton’s ruling she stated that I (Destiny) was young and that she (Judge Seaton) was old school and she believed that young people should not be having children out of wedlock and that my Credibility with the court was Shot. Judge Seaton stated that she believed had Mr. Blue actually assaulted me on August 4th,2013 that I would have fell through with charges and I didn’t.(which In Fact Is Not True, He was found Guilty in Duplin County 3 Days ! before this Hearing). Judge Seaton did not take into consideration my daughters medical condition or the letters from her doctor stating how serious her condition is and that she needed to remain in her mothers care. Mr. Blue and his family member stated a lot of untruths at the hearing, that should be punished by law for Purgery. Mr. Blues Attorney (Greg Griffin) also stated a lot of information that was also false. Judge Seaton stated that the best interest of the child was to be placed with the father Immediately. I was a Victim of Domestic Violence and I feel like I am being Victimized again. I was punished for being a good parent and I’m confused as to why. My daughters father knows nothing about my daughters condition and he himself stated that at the hearing. I’m concerned about my daughters life. How could she be taken from a good mother and be placed with a guilty assault assailant? My daughter was taken away instantly. Nobody asked me or my family for bottles, what medicines they should give her or anything about the care of her. They just took her, screaming and hollering without a car seat, without a crib. Her health has been put in jeopardy and now I’m coming to you for help! I am not going to stop until my voice is heard. I stepped in the courtroom, placed my hand on the Bible, I told the truth, and nothing but the truth. Mr. Blue, his family, and his attorney told lies, and a lie prevailed at the Sampson County Annex. I beg you to check into this, because everything I’m saying can be verified. My attorney is not trying to help me do anything. In fact when I speak to him about appeals or anything, he threatens to withdraw. I have documentation to prove everthing that i'm telling you. Every attorney in my county is afraid to help me because they say &;quot;something was done behind the scenes&;quot;. Tomorrow is my baby girl's First birthday, and I will not get to see her. I need to know to get the media involved or someone to advocate for me. Please, please send! me any i! nformation you can to help me. This judge has done this same thing before to other young single black moms. Idk where else to turn for help. Nobody will help me I have a disk of the trial. I can prove everything I'm saying please help me. My phone number is 910-214-3310 or 910-226-8052 or 910-305-6573 Please help me, God Bless

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Posted by: anonymous on 01-26-2014

She does not ask questions to get to the nitty gritty truth.....she is lax and does not even ask for proof from complainants. This harms defendants. I had tapes, proff of neighbors' lies....I coiuld not use them as evidence.

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Posted by: iDrafted on 02-11-2014

Dear Destiny,

Don't forget about the links at the top of the page.

Legal aid may be able to help:

Just because a judge has ruled does not mean you can't talk to an attorney and get the order changed or vacated.

Letters to the Editor of the local newspaper are also a great tool to draw attention and support from neighbors. You might want to look into support groups for single moms and social/church groups in your area as well.

I wish you luck and I hope that all your efforts bring help for your daughter and/or bring you closer to a strong, re-united family.

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