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N.C. District 21 - Judge Camille Banks-Payne - Issues/Complaints

Complaints related to Camille Banks-Payne - District Court Judge of N.C. District 21 [Forsyth county]

(336) 779-6318

This forum is designed to encourage judicial reform. Justice is a right of all citizens not just a privilege of the wealthy and powerful.

Please feel free to post any comments that reveal defects in judgment or abuse of power related to the commission listed above. We also encourage posting issues related to unjust laws (keep in mind that there is a difference between a bad law and a bad judge).

If you are bursting with emotion and feel a need to rant/rave, please feel free (add "RANT" as the first line of your post).

Be aware that most judges have a difficult job and they do well in most instances -- if a mistake was made, the best method of preventing future mistakes of a similar nature is adopting a calm, long-term resolution to correct the error and applying pressure on the judicial system through legitimate sources.

Also, be aware that any posts that are libelous or harassing are prohibited on this site - keep in mind during any rants that describing your feelings about injustices is fine, however, allegations of wrongdoing should be supported by facts.

-Obtain advise from an attorney regarding your legal options.
-Wait a few days before making public allegations.
-Avoid letting your passion make you sound crazed.
-Carefully list all the injustices that you feel occurred.
-Separate the facts from the feelings.
-Research and gather support for your facts and feelings.
-Determine which points are most important to you.
-Think about which points could be most effective at creating reform (and realize that these are not necessarily the same points that are most important to you).
-Pursue your legal options to the fullest extent reasonable.
-Complain to the Judicial Standards Commission (if appropriate) -- it appears unlikely that the Commission will take any action (this forum was created after two complaints were dismissed without further investigation that alleged a total of approximately 64 violations of the North Carolina Code of Judicial Conduct by a Chief District Court Judge in NC).
-The judiciary hates public attention drawn to its flaws.
-Make your feelings or arguments known to the local media - call an appropriate news radio or talk television program with your issues - write a letter to the editor to a local newspaper.
-Sticking to your talking points and using supported arguments will greatly increase the chances of affecting judicial behavior.
-Feel free to ask for help writing a complaint or letter to the editor.
-Don't give up until you feel satisfied that you have made a difference.

-NC Radio (by city)

-Links to N.C. Laws, Rules and other resources
-Legal Aid of N.C. (possibly free legal aid for individuals who can't afford an attorney)
-Judicial Standards Commission (complaints against NC judges)
-North Carolina Code of Judicial Conduct (right-click to save pdf)

Pro Se RESOURCES (for representing yourself):
-North Carolina General Statutes
-NC Civil Procedure
-NC Rules of Civil Procedure
-Local Court Rules (select your county)
-Appellate Rules (right-click to save pdf)

*please post the county/address/number of the courthouse/courtroom where the case was heard.
**posts commending the legal system and judicial action are also welcome.

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Posted by: Jcsch1 on 04-25-2016

Judge Camille Banks has a grudge against black men with regard to divorce proceedings. She is partial to women. She has been unfair and predudiced regardless of the circumstances.
She has earned a terrible reputation among all lawyers.
Someone should step in before she can ruin any more lives.
Attention: fox 8, Winston Salem journal! If you dare to research! This would make a great story.
Power run amok!!

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Posted by: An Observer of Injustice on 05-02-2016

I've never been more disgusted and angered by the arrogance and abuse of power by Judge Banks. She talks down to anyone entering her courtroom and doesn't even give anyone a chance to defend themselves. You are basically guilty as soon as you walk in, especially if you are a black male. She has stripped everything away from a certain black male who is working, trying his best and only wants a divorce. She is making him bleed for money. He is hardworking is being made to give every dollar to his soon to be (hopefully) ex wife. He is having to pay a god awful amount in post spousal support and is being made to pay for her attorney fees. At this point the soon to be ex is making almost $5000 a month compared to his less than $1000. Who can live off of that and still have money for gas to even get to work!?! She doesn't care. She is rude. It's completely unfair and one-sided. You can brow beat someone and use your power to humiliate someone, which is exactly what she is doing. She demands for someone to come to court with only a few hours notice, but expects the same person to work and give all of his money away. If there is any justice, someone will help. She should be fired from the bench!

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Posted by: Joey Berry on 05-03-2016

From my recollection, the official position in N.C. was that there are so many complaints against judges related to family court (divorce and custody) that those complaints are automatically ignored.

Could any reasonable person expect improvement in our Judicial system when the response to concerns of citizens is repression of investigation (of injustice)?

The answer is to develop accountability for Judges, Prosecutors and Police NOT to ignore the concerns of citizens; we also must simplify law and make government less intrusive/overbearing.

I am running a Libertarian campaign for President primarily to reform the entrenched injustice of our laws, courts, and judicial processes. Please feel free to contact us directly via email:

*I am a Natural Law Libertarian which means that I recognize that all people are entitled to live and build a life (where the complaints here about divorce proceedings show some of the common Judicial barriers to building a life). Law is invalid where it imposes an inability to live on one party and we must correct the law (and/or the judges and/or the process).

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