Click or tap here then click/tap again where you want this moved (top/left corner).
Clear everything.
Push Pin:
Pin the note to the note area
Tack the note to a specific part of the page.
Stick the note to a specific part of the screen (like it's taped from the outside).
Save or restore important data.
Lock and unlock the work area. Unlocked means you can edit it. Locked can't be changed and the links become live.
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It's your page. Copy/paste photos or save notes here!

Feel free to edit, move, or resize virtually everything.

Page Redesign Challenge

CHALLENGE: customize your page in less than 15 minutes...

hide/show General Entries [5]

  • X
by iDrafted

The sample above was created in a few minutes on our "Boards" page (using 11 notes - 6 with different background colors & 5 clear):

*To get to full screen mode, click the toolbox icon (to bring up the main menu); click "Tools"; then click "Full Screen" on the "Tools" menu.

  • X
by Michelle

You can customize your page for each tab that you have open.  

This is one of my customized pages:

  • X
by iDrafted

Customized pages remain saved until you close the tab.  

  • X
by Michelle

This is the same page using two notes (so I could change the background color).   The pictures and text were pasted into a clear note...

  • X
by Michelle

Using notes to customize your page means that the changes will appear only on this page.  

If you change the page within the tab, the custom heading will disappear.  

If you close the tab and come back to this page later, the custom heading will reappear. 




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  • X
Normal notes save until the tab is closed. Saved notes save until you purge your browser cache.


[Each ad on the page is enclosed in a scratchpad area...]