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Class List

Britany Rodda
Eleonor Osborne
Kenny Aguilera
Sanjuanita Desper
Melany Mccafferty
Nu Cauble
Cristen Telles
Jeanice Flavin
Hosea Borel
Olinda Petite
Sharice Linney
Evita Mccroskey
Monserrate Harman
Miguel Dimauro
Esteban Wegner
Elli Zorn
Gerda Hawkes
Lena Hausmann
Lea Blau
Phylicia Pavlik
Freeman Haner
Clarissa Calixte
Milford Aguillard

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Class List

Divide Class into three groups...

  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Group 1  (9)

Britany Rodda
Eleonor Osborne
Kenny Aguilera
Sanjuanita Desper
Melany Mccafferty
Nu Cauble
Cristen Telles
Jeanice Flavin
Hosea Borel

  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Group 2  (8)

Olinda Petite
Sharice Linney
Evita Mccroskey
Monserrate Harman
Miguel Dimauro
Esteban Wegner
Elli Zorn
Gerda Hawkes

  • X
by Mrs. Berry

Group 3  (6)

Lena Hausmann
Lea Blau
Phylicia Pavlik
Freeman Haner
Clarissa Calixte
Milford Aguillar




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