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My Recipes

These are my "go to" recipes.  

Normally this would be a private/family project, but it's a good example of something you might want to do for yourself.  I'm building this recipe collection for myself, so it's laid out the way I want it.
iDrafted is about making things the way you want them, so don't worry if you would do things differently, you can!

Eventually I'll make this private, but for now it's a demo project and I will continue to add more recipes.

Image result for cartoon cooks

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Salads of All Types

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by Michelle

Image result for black beans and corn

Black Bean and Corn Salad

-1⁄3 cup olive oil (other oils can be substituted - Canola, peanut, etc.) 
-2 tablespoons lime juice (lemon if lime is not available)
-1 tablespoon red wine vinegar (balsamic or apple cider vinegar can be used as substitute)
-1 garlic clove, minced
-1 1⁄2 teaspoons ground cumin
-1 1⁄2 teaspoons dried oregano
-salt, to taste 
-1⁄4 teaspoon sugar
-1⁄8 teaspoon black pepper

-1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
-1 (15 ounce) can corn, rinsed and drained
-3⁄4 cup red onion, chopped (substitute white/yellow onion)
-1⁄2 cup tomatoes, diced
-1⁄2 cup sweet red pepper, chopped (omit or use bell pepper)
-2 jalapenos, seeded-and finely chopped
-1⁄4 cup fresh cilantro, parsley, basil, finely chopped 

In a large bowl, combine salad ingredients.
In a small bowl whisk together dressing ingredients.
Pour over the bean mixture and toss until all ingredients are coated.

Inspired by 

hide/show Chicken Dishes [1]

Chicken Dishes

Favorite Chicken Recipes

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by Michelle

Image result for cartoon chicken pot pie

Easy Chicken Pot Pie

You'll need:

1 frozen pie crust
2 to 6 Chicken thighs (depending on how much chicken you want in the pie)
1/2 cup frozen mixed veggies*
1 small onion (chopped)
1 med potato (diced)
1 can Cream of Chicken
salt and pepper (to taste)


Boil chicken until it falls off the bone.  Remove meat from bone and place broth to the side.

In a separate pan place veggies, onion and potato.  

Add enough broth to cover veggies. Add salt and pepper.  

Bring to a boil and then simmer until onions and potatoes are almost soft. 

Add chicken and Cream of Chicken soup, along with more broth.  (If you like your chicken pie with more "juice" add a fair amount of broth, if not add less.)

Mix everything together and then pour into a round baking dish or pie plate.

Unroll frozen pie crust and place it over the mixture (follow directions on package).

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 min. (or until golden brown)

*If you like more veggies, feel free to increase the amount.





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